G Sriram


SriramMr. Sriram is the Chief Executive Officer, VESRAD. He holds the degrees of B.E (Aeronautical Engineering) Anna University, Coimbatore and M.E (Aeronautical Engineering) PARK College of Engineering & Technology (affiliated to the Anna University, Chennai), Coimbatore. His areas of specialisation are Aeropropulsion, and Experimental Combustion and Gas Dynamics. Previously, he was a Project Assistant with the Propulsion Division, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore where he was associated with an ADA-DRDO sponsored R&D project on ‘Fluidic Thrust Vectoring for an Aero-Gas Turbine Propelling Nozzle’ and a GTRE-DRDO sponsored R&D project on ‘Combustion Instabilities in an Aero-Gas Turbine Afterburner’. He was also formerly a Project Assistant at the PARK Research Centre, where he was associated with R&D programmes sponsored by NSTL-DRDO and C-WET/MNRE on Submarine Propulsion and Small-Scale Roof-Top Wind Turbine development respectively.